Mar 16, 2013

Portfolios: an update

The posts I have written in the past have all been research into what type of portfolio I should get, and up until a few days ago I still wasn't particularly sure what I wanted. This is an update post to say, I have decided! Good job really. 
Having looked at print boxes, handmade books and folders, I have decided a folder would be best for my work. There is a bulk order of portfolio boxes going through at uni soon, and I decided to opt out of this, because I just really really don't like portfolio boxes. I don't want my work to be in something that I'm not proud of. I also decided against a hand made book, because it's not something you can add to. As much as I would like to make a book (we saw some lovely ones from our last module), I think a book project has to be a finished project - as you can't go back and add pages. That is the advantage of a folder - even though I read somewhere that you shouldn't edit your portfolio that much, but I think you're always gonna have new work you want to show off - as long as it's relevant. 

Plan of action:

All of our professional practice work is due after the Easter holidays (web presence, folio, blog and some kind of review thing), so, I am going to look into buying a portfolio over the break. I would prefer to see one in person before I buy it, rather than ordering online with the possibility of it coming, and me not liking it as much as I did from the website picture. There are a few stationary/art shops around where I live back home, so I plan to investigate those in the first week, hopefully buying a decent portfolio for a good price. If I don't find anything I like, I have an internet back up plan (the brown portfolio folder I mentioned a few posts back). I think having a brown portfolio makes it stand out, as everything seems to be black these days. If someone has a pile of black portfolios and mine is brown, I think they'll be more likely to remember it. 

I also need to decide what I want to go into my portfolio - maybe this is something my lecturers can help me with. Our narratives work (mine can be seen here) has to be the core of it - but I wouldn't say that's my typical style of work. I don't usually like working with people directly. I don't really have any other completed series', as the two I am working on at the moment are continuous. I think I would like to adapt my most recent work (here) so that it can be displayed in a folder, although I'm just not really sure how, as I am thinking of developing the project and adding descriptions, which I knew I should've done in the first place, but hey ho! Bloody hindsight. 

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